Computer Science Lesson Plan for B.Ed in English | Computer Lesson Plan | Computer Lesson Plan Format | How to Make Computer Science Lesson Plan?
Computer Lesson Plans for School Teachers, B.Ed First and Second Year, DELED, BTC, BSTC, NIOS, CBSE, NCERT, M.Ed, and For All Teacher Training Courses.
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If you are looking for Computer Lesson Plan then you are in the right place. Here you will find many Lesson Plans of Computer Science Subject on Various teaching Skills like Microteaching, Mega teaching, Discussion, Real School Teaching and Practice, and Observation Skill Lesson Plan. With the Help of these Lesson Plans, you will be able to make your own Computer Lesson Plan very easily. All the Links to the Computer Science Lesson Plan are given below.
Note: You will find more than one lesson plan for some topics below. You should check all the lesson plans before making your own lesson plan. And remember that these are the Sample Lesson Plans. You can use them according to your need and requirements by making slight changes in name, class, course, date, duration, etc.
Microteaching Computer Lesson Plan
- Lesson Plan 1 - Basics of Computer – Skill of Introduction
- Lesson Plan 2 - Components of Computer – Skill of Probing question
- Lesson Plan 3 - Keyboard – Skill of Illustration with examples
- Lesson Plan 4 - Agents of Computer – Stimulus Variation Skill
- Lesson Plan 5 - Parts of Computer – Skill of Reinforcement
Mega, Simulated, Real Teaching and Discussion Computer Science Lesson Plan
- Lesson Plan 6 - Computer and Its Application
- Lesson Plan 7 - Types of computer
- Lesson Plan 8 - Components of Computer
- Lesson Plan 9 - Input Devices
- Lesson Plan 10 - Output Devices
- Lesson Plan 11 - Internet
- Lesson Plan 12 - Software and Its types
- Lesson Plan 13 - Network
- Lesson Plan 14 - MS Word
- Lesson Plan 15 - Menus in Microsoft Word
- Lesson Plan 16 - Editing Text in MS word
- Lesson Plan 17 - MS Excel
- Lesson Plan 18 - Different Functions of MS Excel
- Lesson Plan 19 - Memory and Its Types
- Lesson Plan 20 - Secondary Storage Devices
- Lesson Plan 21 - Components Inside the Computer System
- Lesson Plan 22 - Binary Digit ( Number System)
- Lesson Plan 23 - Data and its types
- Lesson Plan 24 - Data Processing
- Lesson Plan 25 - Database
- Lesson Plan 26 - Virus
- Lesson Plan 27 - Operating System
- Lesson Plan 28 - Computer Programming Language
- Lesson Plan 29 - Language Processors
- Lesson Plan 30 - Network Topology
- Lesson Plan 31 - E-Commerce
- Lesson Plan 32 - Output Devices – Discussion Lesson Plan
- Lesson Plan 33 - Working With Windows
- Lesson Plan 34 - [10] Observation lesson Plans For Computer teachers
Check Also:
Some More Mega and Real School Teaching and Practice Computer Lesson Plans
- Lesson Plan 35 - History Of computer
- Lesson Plan 36 - categories of computer
- Lesson Plan 37 - Internet
- Lesson Plan 38 - URL's (Uniform Resource Locator)
- Lesson Plan 39 - WWW (world wide web)
- Lesson Plan 40 - Microsoft PowerPoint
- Lesson Plan 41 - Computer Storage Devices
- Lesson Plan 42 - How Computer Works?
- Lesson Plan 43 - Components of computer
- Lesson Plan 44 - Keyboard
- Lesson Plan 45 - Hardware components of the computer system
- Lesson Plan 46 - Computer Software
- Lesson Plan 47 - Computer Networking
- Lesson Plan 48 - Processor System Unit
- Lesson Plan 49 - Working with Windows
- Lesson Plan 50 - Web Browser
- Lesson Plan 51 - Trouble Shooting
- Lesson Plan 52 - Logo Command
- Lesson Plan 53 - Services of Internet
- Lesson Plan 54 - E-mail
- Lesson Plan 55 - window XP and Its features
- Lesson Plan 56 - Computer Units
- Lesson Plan 57 - Computer Units
- Lesson Plan 58 - History of Computer
- Lesson Plan 59 - Introduction to URL's
- Lesson Plan 60 - Computer Internet
- Lesson Plan 61 - MS PowerPoint
- Lesson Plan 62 - web page
- Lesson Plan 63 - G/P and O/P Devices
- Lesson Plan 64 - various storage devices of the computer
- Lesson Plan 65 - various computer components
- Lesson Plan 66 - software application and system software
- Lesson Plan 67 - Computer system hardware kinds
- Lesson Plan 68 - Processing devices
- Lesson Plan 69 - Use of Logo command
- Lesson Plan 70 - Information retrieval
- Lesson Plan 71 - intro to computer units
- Lesson Plan 72 - windows XP
- Lesson Plan 73 - email accounts
- Lesson Plan 74 - Computer Problems
- Lesson Plan 75 - customizing web browsing
- Lesson Plan 76 - Windows versions
- Lesson Plan 77 - History of the Internet
- Lesson Plan 78 - ISP
- Lesson Plan 79 - Input and Output devices
- Lesson Plan 80 - wireless and cloud technology
- Lesson Plan 81 - area and perimeter
- Lesson Plan 82 - topology
- Lesson Plan 83 - Networks - Bus and Ring
- Lesson Plan 84 - Guided and unguided media
- Lesson Plan 85 - transmission media
- Lesson Plan 86 - data transmission modes
- Lesson Plan 87 - communication channels
- Lesson Plan 88 - computer viruses
- Lesson Plan 89 - virus protection and types of virus
- Lesson Plan 90 - virus and its types
- Lesson Plan 91 - virus Part III
- Lesson Plan 92 - browser security
- Lesson Plan 93 - cloud computing
- Lesson Plan 94 - DBMS
- Lesson Plan 95 - functioning of different computing units
- Lesson Plan 96 - types of computer memory
- Lesson Plan 97 - operating system
- Lesson Plan 98 - networks- LAN, MAN, WAN
- Lesson Plan 99 - Protocols
- Lesson Plan 100 - computer working and input devices
- Lesson Plan 101 - computer Monitor
- Lesson Plan 102 - computer keyboard and its keys
- Lesson Plan 103 - computer hardware and CPU
- Lesson Plan 104 - software and system
- Lesson Plan 105 - software networking
- Lesson Plan 106 - processing and CPU
- Lesson Plan 107 - GUI-graphical user interface
- Lesson Plan 108 - web browser and topology
- Lesson Plan 109 - troubleshooting - mouse, keyboard-monitor, sound
- Lesson Plan 110 - logo command and computer language
- Lesson Plan 111 - computer internet providing services
- Lesson Plan 112 - Email address and email access
How To Make A Computer Lesson Plan
As You Know, Lesson Plans Are Detailed Descriptions Of The Course Of Instructions Or "Learning Trajectories" For Teachers. Lesson Plans Are Developed On A Daily Basis By The Computer Science Teachers To Guide Class Learning.
Experienced Teachers May Make It Briefly As An Outline Of The Teacher’s Activities. A Semi-Detailed Lesson Plan Is Made By The New Teachers And It Includes All Activities And Teachers’ Questions.
A Trainee Teacher Should Make A Detailed Lesson Plan, In Which All The Activities, Teacher’s Questions, And Student’s Expected Answers Are Written Down.
Components Of The Computer Lesson Plan
Computer Lesson Plans Consist Of The Following Components:
1. General Objectives:
It is The Overall Knowledge Obtained By The Child. It Is Useful In Real-Life Teaching.
2. Specific Objectives:
It Includes:
- Knowledge Objectives: Students Will Be Able To Get Knowledge About The Specific Topic Of Computer Science.
- Understanding Objective: Students Will Be Able To Understand The Concept Of The Specific Topic Of Computer.
- Application Objectives: Students Will Be Able To Apply The Attained Knowledge In Day-To-Day Life.
3. Learning Activities:
1. Preparatory Activities:
These Are
- Drill: Activity Enabling Students To Automate Response To Pre-Requisite Skills Of The New Lesson.
- Review: Activity That Will Refresh Or Renew Previously Taught Material.
- Introduction: An Activity That Will Set The Purpose Of The Day’s Lesson.
- Motivation: All Activities That Arouse The Interest Of The Learners (Both Intrinsic And Extrinsic)
2. Developmental Activities
These Includes:
- Presentation Of The Computer Lesson: The Teacher Uses Different Activities As A Vehicle To Translate The Knowledge, Values, And Skills Into Learning That Could Be Applied In Their Lives Outside The School.
- Discussion/ Analysis: The Teacher Asks A Series Of Effective Or Cognitive Questions About The Lesson Presented.
- Abstraction/ Generalization: The Complete Summarization Of The Information Takes Place Before The Actual Presentation.
- Closer /Application: This Relates The Lesson To Other Situations In Forms Of
- Dramatization,
- Simulation And Play,
- Storytelling,
- Oral Reading,
- Construction/ Drawing,
- Written Composition,
- Singing Or Reciting A Poem,
- A Test,
- Or Solving Problems.
It Is A Method Or Way Of Checking Or Evaluating The Objectives Met By The Previous Lessons. Questioning, Summarizing, Comparing, Presenting The Previous Learning, Assigning Work, Administering A Short Quiz, Etc. Come Under This.
- Teachers Prepare This Activity Outside The School Or At Home. Students Bring The Material Needed In The Classroom.
- These Activities Should Help Attain The Lesson’s Objective.
- It Should Be Interesting And Differentiated (With Provision For Remedial, Reinforcement, And Enrichment Activities.)
Computer Lesson Plan
Computer Science Lesson Plans
Computer Lesson Plan For B.Ed In English Free Download Pdf
Micro Teaching Computer Science Lesson Plan
Mega Teaching Computer Lesson Plans
Simulated Teaching Computer Lesson Plan
Real School Teaching And Practice Computer Science Lesson Plan For B.Ed And Deled 1st Year 2nd Year
JAMIA, MDU, CRSU, DU, IGNOU, IPU University Computer Lesson Plans
Hello Friends,
If you are searching for the Best Collection of Computer Lesson plans for B.Ed, DELED, BTC and middle, high school, secondary, senior secondary school teachers in English then you are in the right place. Here you will get all the Computer Lesson Plan for all the Grade and Classes i.e 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, and 12 in pdf form.
Here you will get all the microteaching, mega teaching, real teaching, discussion, and observation lesson plans of Computer Science pdf free for Computer teachers and B.Ed students of Year and Semester 1st and 2nd. Some Computer Science lesson plans will be semi-detailed and some are detailed lesson plans you will find here. The list of All Computer Lesson Plans on different topics is given above. These sample Computer Science lesson plans will provide a lot of help to the computer teachers.
Here you will find lots of Topics for teaching the Computer Science Subject in schools like Basics of Computer, Parts of Computer, Types of Computer, Input Devices, Output Devices, Internet, Software and Hardware, Networking, MS Office, Ms. Word, Ms. Excel, Ms. Powerpoint, Memory, Data, Windows, Web browsers, E-mails, etc.
All the students of BEd and other teacher training courses and also newly appointed teachers of Computer Science will be able to know how to make Computer Lesson Plan and How to teach students of computers very easily With the help of these Lesson Plans.
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Computer Lesson Plan In Hindi💁Hello Friends, If You Want To Contribute To Help Other Students To Find All The Stuff At A Single Place, So Feel Free To Send Us Your Notes, Assignments, Study Material, Files, Lesson Plan, Paper, PDF Or PPT Etc. - 👉 Upload Here
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