Are you looking for the lesson plan of English grammar for B.Ed And DELED? In this article, you will get the best collection of lesson plans of English grammar for B.Ed.
Lesson Plan of English Grammar for B.Ed
Name of the School : Number of students : Average age of students : Duration : Period : Date : |
Subject : English Grammar Topic : Simple Present Tense/ Present Indefinite Tense Text Book : English Grammar, Composition and Usage Author : J.C. Nesfield Name of the teacher: Roll No.: |
General Objectives
- To enable the students to understand, to speak, to read, and to write correct English.
- To create and develop a sense of refinement, delicacy, literary taste, and imagination.
S T E P |
Assumed Previous Knowledge |
Teacher’s Activities |
Students’ Activities |
students have already learned what tense is.
Entering the classroom with a smiling face, the teacher will arrange the class first and then asks the following questions to the students in order to test their previous knowledge 2. What do you do then? 3. When do you go to school? 4. In which tense my question is going on?
Expected Answers- 1. We get up at six o’clock. 2. We have our bath and Breakfast. 3. We go to school at 8.40 A.M. 4. Problematic.
Announcement of the Topic
Finding the students unable to answer, the teacher will say that his questions are in Simple Present Tense /Present Indefinite Tense and it will be written on the blackboard.
Students write down the topic in their copies.
Teaching Points |
Specific Objectives |
Teacher’s Activities |
Pupils’ Activities |
Expected Learning Outcome |
To Enable The Pupils To Know About The Simple Present Tense Present Indefinite Tense |
The Teacher Will Point To His Watch And Say –
My Watch Keeps Good Time.
In The Same Manner, The Teacher Will Point To A Boy In The Class And Say –
The Boy Works Hard.
Then The Teacher Will Hang A Picture Of The Sun In The Classroom And Say – The Sun Rises In The East. |
Pupils Will Listen To The Teacher’s Words Attentively
Drill Practice
To Create Interest And Curiosity In The Minds Of Students Regarding The Simple Present Tense.
After This, The Teacher Will Write The Following Sentences On The Blackboard And Asks The Students To Read Them Aloud-
1. I Get Up At 5 O’clock. 2. We Play In The Afternoon. 3. Boys Play Football. 4. The Child Goes To School. 5. She Sings A Song. 6. They Come To School Every Day. 7. You Swim In The Tank. 8. It Rains In Summer. |
Students Will Follow The Teacher |
Knowledge |
To Enable The Students To Learn The Uses Of Simple Present Tense.
The Teacher Will Explain The Uses Of Simple Present Tense To The Students Elaborately And In A Simple Manner
The Pupils Will Listen Attentively. |
(I) A Universal Or General Truth
By Way Of Explaining He Will Give Some More Examples
1. The Earth Is Round. 2. Honesty Is The Best Policy.
Pupils Will Listen Carefully.
(Ii) A Habitual Or Permanent Action
3. He Takes Exercises Every Day In The Morning.
4. He Runs Fast.
(Iii) A Future Action |
5. The School Closes On The 15th Of This Month.
6. Alexander Now Rushes Upon The Enemy.
Students Will Follow The Teacher And Write Down The Examples In Their Copies
Rules |
To Enable The Students To Know The Rules Of The Simple Present Tense
The Teacher Will Give The Rules Of Simple Present Tense To The Students As Follows And Asks Them To Write Down In Their Copies-
(1) With I, You, We, They, And A Plural Subject, The Base Form Of The Verb Is Used. (2)With He, She, It, And A Singular Subject S Or Es Is Added To The Base Form Of The Verb.
Students Will Write Down The Rules In Their Copies
Knowledge |
Substitution Table
To Enable The Students To Frame More And More Sentences From The Substitution Table
The Teacher Will Provide The Students The Substitution Table As Given Below And Asks Them To Frame Sentences |
Students Note Down |
Skill |
I |
Play |
Cricket |
We |
Tennis |
Plays |
He |
Football |
Teacher’s Activity |
student’s Activity |
To sum up the day’s lesson, the teaching points will be briefly enumerated and then the teacher will test the students with the following questions orally:
Question. Put the verbs of the brackets in the Simple Present Tense
1. He (sleep) 2. He (read) a book. 3. Earth (be) round.
The teacher gives the following question as homework for the student: Question. Write ten sentences in the Simple Present
Students write down the question in their copies.
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