Health Physical And Yoga Education | Health And Physical Education | Yoga and Physical Education

The word physical education comprises of two words
- Physical and
- Education
The two words combined together stands for the systematic instructions or training related to physical activities or program of activities necessary for the development and maintenance of the human body.
‘Physical Education is education through physical activities to the development of the total personality of the child and its fulfillment and perfection in body mind and spirit.’- J.P.Thomas
Aims of Physical Education
- Physical development
- Mental balance
- Emotional adjustment
- Manual training
- Social adaptability
Objectives of Physical Education
- Development of Organic Fitness
- Development of Mental health
- Social Development
- Development of Neuromuscular co-ordination
- Development of Desirable habits
- Development of Personality
- Providing for Mental Hygiene
- Development of Functional Knowledge
- Development of qualities of a good citizenship
Scope of Physical Education
- Corrective Exercises
- Games and Sports
- Rhythmics
- Self-defense activities
- Recreational activities
- Yogic activities
Importance of Physical Education
- Develops the alertness of mind
- Provides knowledge about health and hazards diseases
- Leisure time can be utilized properly
- The human body can be developed in good proportion
- Helps in developing and maintaining good relations among humans’ beings
- Helps in creating discipline
- Enhance the power of tolerance
- Development of the personality
- Character building
Physical fitness refers to the organic capacity of the individual to perform the normal task of daily living without undue tiredness or fatigue having reserves of strength and energy available to meet satisfactory and emergency demands suddenly placed upon him”.- Nixon
Components of Physical Fitness
- Endurance
- Strength
- Speed
- Flexibility
Benefits of Physical Fitness
- Improved health
- Increased efficiency of the heart and lungs
- Reduced cholesterol levels
- Increased muscle strength
- Reduced blood pressure
- Weight loss
- Improved quality of sleep
- Increased mental sharpness
Good teachers know what to teach, how to teach, and understand the need for their wards.
Teaching methods can be classified into two areas:
- Teacher-Centered Methods
- Student-Centered Methods
The following are a few methods of the teaching of physical education:
- Command Method
- Lecture Method
- Demonstration Method
- Task/Project Method
- Reciprocal Method
- Circuit Method
- Discussion Method
- Individual Programme Method
- Guided Discovery Method
- Problem-solving Method
- Felt- Need Method
- Co-Operative Method
- Inductive Method
- Deductive Method
- Whole Method
- Part Method
- Part-Whole method
- Whole-Part-Whole Method
The general lesson of physical education is divided into the following parts:
- Assembly & roll call
- Warming up exercises
- Formal activities
- Special activities
- Recreative activities
- Assembly & dismissal
Health Education is concerned with promoting health as well as reducing behavior induced diseases. In other words, health education is concerned with establishing or inducing changes in personal and group attitudes and behavior that promote healthier living.
Health education is the sum of experiences, which favorably influence habits attitudes, and knowledge relating to the individual community and social health. - Thomas wood
Aims of Health Education
- To provide information about health
- To maintain norms of good health
- To take precautionary and preventive measures against communicable diseases
- To develop and promote mental and emotional health
- To develop a sense of civic responsibility.
Objectives of Health Education
- To enable the students to develop a scientific point of view of health with reference to traditional and the modern concept of health.
- To enable the students to identify health problems and understand their own role on health and to medical agencies in meeting those problems
- To enable the students to gain sufficient knowledge of first aid
- To provide desirable knowledge about marriage sex and family planning to the students
- To help students to understand the importance of Physical training sports, games, yogic exercises as well as their relationship with the health education program.
- The emphasize students on the bad effects of smoking and taking alcohol etc
“The first wealth is health.” – Emerson
Importance of Health Education
- Health education provides information to the students and the teachers about the function of the body the rule of health and hygiene and precautionary measures for keeping off diseases.
- Health education helps in discovering the physical defects of children and discovering various types of abnormalities of children
- Health education develops health habits like the need for fresh air, hygienic feeding, and various classroom habits
- Health education develops better human relations between the school-home community
- Health education provides knowledge regarding the prevention and control of various diseases
Health instruction is the organization of learning experience directed towards the development of favorable health knowledge attitude and practice. – D. K. Barle
The aim of health instruction is to acquaint pupils about the functioning of the various organs of the body the rules of health and hygiene and methods for curing diseases.
Methods of imparting health instructions
- Healthful Environment of the institution
- Systematic Health Instructions
- Incidental Teaching
- Lectures on health by experts
- Printed Material
- Films and Film Strips
- School broadcast and radio talks
- Educational field trips
- Health Weeks
- Health Club
- Health Scrap Books
The prime aim of life is to have a healthy life. Due to modernization, the lifestyle gets affected and paves ways for unhealthy lifestyles.
Identifying the causes of lifestyle diseases is critical.
Some Major Causes of Diseases:
- Dehydration
- Malnutrition
- Inflammation
- Fatigue
- Poor physical fitness
- Regular health screaming
- The right choice of food
- Cutting down sugar intake
- Limiting the intake of high-fat foods
- Proper rest and relaxation
- Avoid alcohol intake
LearningClassesOnline B.Ed Notes
Diseases that can be passed or transmitted from one person to another are called- infectious or contagious diseases.
Infectious disease is a “disease of man resulting from an infection”.
Contagious disease is “one that is transmitted through direct contact”.
A disease of infectious nature can be transmitted from one person to another or from a reservoir to a susceptible host, directly (or) indirectly is called a communicable disease.
The infectious agents may be a virus, bacteria, protozoa, fungi, rickets, etc. this disease may be directly or indirectly transmitted from man to man, animal to animal, from the environment like through air, dust, soil water, food, insects, etc. to man and to the animal.
Some Communicable Diseases are:
- Airborne Diseases-Tuberculosis, whooping cough, smallpox
- Water and foodborne diseases-Typhoid, Cholera, Dysentery, diarrhea
- Through Direct contact-sexual disease AIDS
- Through insects- Malaria
First aid is the immediate treatment given to the victim of the accident or sudden illness before medical help is obtained.
Aims of First Aid:
- To preserve life
- To promote recovery and
- To prevent worsening of the causality’s conditions until the victim receives the services of a doctor or arrangement transportation to the hospital
Scope of First Aid:
- The First aider should examine the causality to know the details of injuries and their nature. This is known as diagnosis
- The diagnosis will give him the idea of the treatment to be given until the doctor takes charge
- The next step is to send the causality to his house or to be hospitalized as the case may be in a suitable atmosphere.
Qualities of the first aider
- Prompt and quick
- Calm and controlled
- Wise and intelligent
- Resourceful
First Aid Box
The first aid box should contain the following equipment and medicines to enable the first aider to render effective timely appropriate aid.
First aid Equipment
- Clean cotton wool
- Needle
- Bandages
- Tweezers
- Safety pin
- Measuring tape
- Thermometer
- Scissors
- Camel hairbrush
- Pads of various sizes
- Tourniquet
- Adhesive dressings
- Spoon
- Graduated glass
Definition of Yoga:
“Checking the impulses of mind is yoga” -Patanjali
“Yoga is attaining the pose”-Ved Vyas
“Yoga is a skill in actions.”-Lord Krishna
“The meeting of a human being with God is Yoga.” -Nukeshwar Majumdar
Aims and objectives of Yoga
The main objectives of the Yogic practices are to make one free from
- Diseases
- Ignorance
- Egoism
- Miseries the Affiliations of Old Age
- Fear of Death Etc.
- Yama (moral code)
- Niyama (Personal Disciplines)
- Asana (Postures)
- Pranayama (Breathing)
- Pratyahara (Withdrawal of senses)
- Dharana (Concentration on the object)
- Dhyan (Meditation)
- Samadhi (Salvation)
Importance/ Advantages of yoga
- Yoga is easy to perform.
- Yoga does not require equipment and implements.
- Yoga practices can be performed and practiced by everyone.
- All sorts of tension and fatigue are removed.
- Strength and energy are recovered and regained.
- It refreshes the mind and body.
- Ladies become beautiful charming in perfect shape and size fully developed in all their organs fit and attractive with elegant gait.
- Yoga helps in the growth and development of the intelligence of a person.
- Yoga makes the man and woman self-controlled
- Yoga controls and regulates the respiration and respiratory systems as a whole.
- It provides strength to the heart and lungs.
- It purifies and regulates the blood in the body.
- The concentration of the mind is improved.
- Will becomes strong and stable.
- Yoga destroys the causes of diseases.
- It protects and safeguards the person against diseases.
- The eyesight is improved considerably.
Asana is one of the most ancient yogic practices. It is also called as the other practices of yoga, namely Pranayama, Kriyas, Meditation, Bandhas, and Mudras
Yogasanas are specialized postures of the body often imitating many of the animal postures.
There are Large numbers of Asanas exist. Some of them are:
A. Sitting Posture Asans
- Padmasana
- Swastik Asana
- Vajrasana
- Paschimottunasana
- Ardhachakrasana
- Garbhasana
- Uttanamandukasana
- Bhadvasana
- Kapalabhati
- Nadi Shuddi Pranayama
- Bhramri Pranayama
- Sheetali
B. Lying Posture
- Powanamutasana
- Sarvangasana
- Halasana
- Matsyasana
- Mayurasana
- Shalabhasana
- Dhanuvasana
- Suptavajrasana
- Kurmasana
- Makavasana
C. Standing Posture Asans
- Tadasana
- Urdhavahastottanasana
- Padhastasana
- Katichakrasana
Exercise is the key to sound health. The activity of exerting your muscles in various ways to keep fit.
Need and Importance of Physical Exercise
- Exercise provides an adequate quantity of oxygen.
- Enables different organs of the human body to function properly.
- Exercise promotes the circulation of blood to all parts of the body.
- Exercise develops muscular systems in the body.
- Toxic products are eliminated from the bloodstream.
- Exercise stimulates the nervous system
- Exercise helps in the proper functioning of the organs in the human body.
- Exercise brings joy to a man.
Types of Exercise
Two major types of exercises are:
- Aerobic
- Anaerobic
Aerobic Exercise
- The literal meaning of aerobics is oxygen.
- Hence, aerobic exercise can be defined as the one which involves the use of oxygen to produce energy.
- Aerobic activities are rhythmical exercise having large muscle groups involvement continuously in a sequential manner.
- Physical activities such as jogging, brisk walking, rowing, cycling, hiking, or playing tennis, focus on increasing cardiovascular endurance skiting and swimming are aerobic exercises.
Anaerobic Exercises
Anaerobic exercises make the body to provide energy without using oxygen.
High-intensity workouts such as jumping, weight lifting, sprinting, short-term muscle strength exercises are categorized as anaerobic exercises.
Food is a substance that produces heat and energy in the body and repairs tissues. It also contains some rough-age which adds quantity or bulk to our diet.
- Food builds up new tissues.
- Food repairs the worn-out tissues
- Food produces heat and energy in our body
- Food supplies material for growth and nourishment to all the parts of the body
- Food helps in the production of compounds that regulate body processes.
- In short, food is very important in life.
Classification of Food
Food serves to nourish, to build up tissues, and to supply energy to the body. Food may be classified in the following ways;
1. According to the source
- Food obtained from plant sources
- Food obtained from animal sources
2. According to the chemical composition
- Protein
- Carbohydrate
- Fats
- Vitamins
- Minerals
3. According to the main function
- Bodybuilding foods
- Energy giving foods
- Protective foods
4. According to the nutritive value
- Cereals
- Pulses
- Vegetables
- Nuts and oilseeds
- Fruits
- Animal foods
- Sugar and jaggery
- Condiments and spices
Main Constituents of food
- Protein
- Carbohydrate
- Fats
- Vitamins
- Minerals
Nutrition and Mal Nutrition
Nutrition: Nutrition is the science deals with foods and their uses by the body. Good nutrition stands for the supply of essential nutrients in adequate quantities.
Malnutrition: The weak condition of the body when it does not complete and balanced food at the proper time is called malnutrition.
Balanced Diet
A balanced diet is a food that contains a sufficient quantity of carbohydrates, proteins, fats vitamins, and minerals which proves enough energy and maintains good health.
A balanced diet prevents diseases from arising out of main nutrition.
Characteristics of a Balanced Diet
- The food articles containing proteins and minerals are contained in the diet in adequate amount.
- The materials providing energy are present in the diet in an adequate amount
- Presence of preventive nutrients in necessary in a balanced diet
- This varies with the age of each individual
- This varies according to the sex of each individual
- This varies according to the occupation of each individual
Author Remarks:
Health Physical And Yoga Education Is A Subject Taught In B.Ed And In Some Other Teaching Courses Also. On This Page, You Will Find Health And Physical Education Short Examination Notes And Downloadable Free PDF Book In English Medium For B.Ed First Year And Second Year and Semester 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, and 6. Here We Have Covered Some of The Main Topics and Important MCQ Questions of Yoga and Physical Education Which Will Really Help in Your Exam Preparation and Also You Can Make Your Assignment Report and File for BEd Very Easily with The Help of These Notes. These Notes and Free PDF Book on Health Physical And Yoga Education Subject Will Be Helpful for All the Students and Teachers of Any College or University. We Have Also Suggested Some of the Best Reference Books and Study Material PDF for Health And Physical Education That you can Also Go Through. Students and Teachers Preparing for All The Teaching Exams Like CTET, TET, UPTET, HTET Can Also Learn With The Notes Provided Above.
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- Qualities Of First Aider
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- health and physical education
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