Illustrating Skill | Skill of Illustration
What is the Skill of Illustration With Example?
Meaning of Illustration:
An illustration is the decoration of some words that defines or explains a concept, explanation, or visual indication of a text, idea, or process.
It is designed for making a concept easier in proper media, such as posters, charts, magazines, books, teaching materials (TLM), film pictures, videotapes, games, and films.
The teacher typically creates an illustration. It is also known as an example, either in writing or in picture form.

Meaning of Skill of Illustrating
Some of the questions like
- what is the role of Illustrations or examples in the teaching-learning process?
- What if a teacher explains with the help of examples?
- What is illustrating?
These Are the frequently asked questions that arise almost in everyone’s mind.
A teacher teaches with examples and makes a topic very easy for students if the teacher has a bit of less mastery in giving Example he is not able to explain the complex topics.
In Simple Words, We can say that the use of different diagrams and clarifications with the help of some examples is illustrated.
In this skill, a teacher must be trained if he is not, then the teaching may not achieve the goal setup before. The examples which are being given during the teaching-learning process are very relevant to the topic so that they use in teaching. If the examples are not related to the topic, they may misguide the students.
So the teacher must have the skill of illustrating. The power of illustrations has its purpose in the teaching-learning process; that’s why they are also important.
- Skill Of Writing Instructional Objectives In Behavioral Terms
- Skill Of Introducing A Lesson
- Skill Of Probing Questioning
- Skill Of Explaining
- Skill Of Demonstration
- Skill Of Reinforcement
- Skill Of Achieving Closure
- Skill of BlackBoard Writing
Objectives of Illustration Skill
Following are the few objectives of Illustrating:
- To make a lesson interesting
- To relate known knowledge to unknown knowledge
- To make complex things easy and interesting
- To make the use of multiple senses or fronts of students

How to use an Example? What kind of Example is suitable for teaching?
There is a way of selecting the proper Example. We can say the approaches of using illustrations, which usually helps a teacher know the type of examples and its usability.
There are two main approaches or ways that help a teacher to select a suitable example during teaching-learning-process.
These two approaches are as follows:
- Verbal Approach
- Non – Verbal Approach
Verbal Approach

Non - Verbal Approach

Components of MicroTeaching Skill of Illustration With Examples
There are some components of Micro Teaching illustration skills that affect so much the learning of students. Usually, these components must be included while illustrating something in the class. These components make examples so meaningful if it is done properly. The teacher must know these components.
The Major Components of Illustration Are:
- The selection of simple, understandable and relative examples
- Selecting interesting examples
- The choice of proper medium for illustration
- Selection of the right method for illustration
- The appropriate number of examples (say 4 to 5 in one topic)
- The relevancy of examples with concepts and ideas
- The examples given by the students are important (teacher try to make students give relative examples)
- Understanding concepts (through the use of models the concept becomes easier to understand so students must understand it)
These are the components through which we can measure the teacher’s strength in illustrating skill. The understanding of these components makes this skill very effective for the teaching-learning process.
During teaching, all these components are used and measured one by one, and the teacher also makes sure that there must be at least one Example from one component while teaching.
Using them systematically brings effectiveness in teaching and the difficult and complex topics easily.
What precautions Should A Teacher Take While Using Illustrating Skill?
There are some important facts about good illustration or we can say the precautions while using the illustrating skill, these points are as follows:
- All the examples should be related to the specific objectives
- These examples should be related to the concept being taught
- They must be interesting
- All these examples should be as per the standard of the students
- They must be of different kinds (should not be given only one type of Example).
Learn More about Illustration Skill and All Other Micro Teaching Skills in Detail
Illustration Skill Sample Lesson Plan Examples and Format
Wants to Know how to make a Micro Teaching Lesson Plan on Skill of Illustration With Examples for School and College Teachers, B.Ed Students, DELED, BSTC, BTC, NIOS, CBSE, NCERT, M.Ed then here we have provided some Lesson Plans on All the subjects which are mentioned below:- English
- Math
- Science
- Social Science
- Home Science
- Biological Science
- Computer
- Commerce
- Economics
- Hindi
- Sanskrit
- Other Subjects
- All Subjects
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