Skill of Probing Questions | Probing Question Skill in Microteaching
It is very important for a teacher to ask questions during a teaching in order to increase the thinking capability of students. Probing is one of the best skills which helps students to solve problems with the help of a teacher.
What are Probing Questions?
These are the set of some questions and hint in the form of questions that a teacher asks during teaching for seeking further information, this may increase the thinking capability of students so that they can think on multiple fronts.
This skill is very helpful when students go through deeply in order to have multiple answers, sometimes this is used for involving all students if they show a bit less interest in the teaching-learning process.
When a Teacher Should Use Skill of Probing Questions?
- When students are unable to give the answer or give incomplete answers, teachers use probing skills for questioning.
- For seeking further information.
- For gaining student's attention in the teaching-learning process and we call it Re-focussing.
- If the teacher wants to give the knowledge of all aspects of the problem to students, then the teacher asks a similar question in a different manner. We can call it Re-directing.
- For improving the student's thinking ability. For that teacher asks why and how type questions. This is called Critical
Components of Probing Skill of Questioning
There are 5 Main Components or Elements of Skill of Probing Questions
- Prompting
- Seeking Further Information
- Re-Focussing
- Re-Direction
- Critical awareness

Prompting mostly involves verbal questions, visual questions, through the model, gestures, and some physical guidance. In order to help the student to know the answer, the teacher gives some indication.
- Skill Of Writing Instructional Objectives In Behavioral Terms
- Skill Of Introducing A Lesson
- Skill Of Explaining
- Skill Of Demonstration
- Skill Of Reinforcement
- Skill Of Achieving Closure
- Skill of Illustration
- Skill of BlackBoard Writing
Seeking Further Information
Most of the time students don't give the proper and accurate answer, then the teacher asks the same question to other students in order to get the correct answers. The teacher asks different aspects of the question in order to seek further information, this also may check the student's knowledge.
If the teacher is not satisfied with the answer of the student then the teacher puts different situations in front of the students which helps them in the transfer of knowledge of the student.
The teacher tries to know the multiple answers to the question in order to make students think again and again. This will increase the thinking ability of the student, and this may increase the participation of the students in the class too.
Critical Awareness
If the teacher asks why? how? type of questions then it is called Critical Awareness. This increase critical awareness among students and finally they will understand the nature of the questions.
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