English is a Must These Days
An excellent Essay and speech on English is a must these days or you can say the Importance of English language learning in the modern world. There is a question in everyone's mind why learning English is necessary for everyone?. The answer is here in this speech on English is a must these days. After reading this essay on the Importance of English, you will be able to know and understand why English is necessary in today's world.

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Short and Simple Essay on Importance of English Language
“Effective communication reduces the distance between you and your Goal”
English is not just a language but a lifestyle. English is an international language. It is spoken all over the world. English is the third most commonly used language in the world after Chinese and Spanish. If the sky is the limit English again is the official language of skies and all pilots regardless of their country origin must know English. It is a language with a rich vocabulary and one new word is added to the English language every two hours. So we find 4000 new words every year.
Now the hundred million questions are why do we say English is a must these days? Well, the answer is very loud and clear.. for its worldwide recognition. Yes, my dear friends over one billion people speak English, and its one in every seven. Now let’s talk about some of the parameters for the development of a nation or an individual let it be higher education, health, sports, economy and not to forget information technology these all are not possible these days without English. As we know 80% of the database stored all over the world in computers is in English.
Sometimes people argue that if I want to be a successful Sanskrit lecturer do I still need to master English? Well, I would say yes. The biggest example is Yoga Guru Baba Ramdev. It is the English language that helps him to convey his message to the other side of the globe. So my dear friends stop thinking and wondering about English speaking people, it’s your turn.
Learning the English language and a good command over the English language has great importance. This is a perfect short and easy essay and a paragraph on the importance and necessity of the English language. With this presentation on English is a must these days a person can score great and distinction marks. Not only in education but also in competitive exams like SSC, UPSC, and all government jobs examination there is a high demand for good command over writing and speaking of English. This is the best speech on the English language which will give you a high appreciation for every walk of life.
The importance of English language learning cannot be neglected in today's scenario. Learning English is very important for everyone. Here you can find a short, simple, and easy essay and paragraph on the English Language for kids as well as for youngsters who are looking for a perfect presentation on English Language and effective communication skills.
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