Quick Overview of the Topics covered in the Post:
- Air Pollution PPT
- Water Pollution PPT
- Environmental Pollution PPT
- Marine Pollution PPT
- Thermal Pollution PPT
- Types of Pollution PPT
- Land Pollution PPT
- Plastic Pollution PPT
- Control of Air pollution PPT
- Air prevention and control of Pollution act 1981 PPT
- Industrial Pollution PPT
- Water Act 1974 PPT
- Groundwater pollution PPT
- Types of air pollution PPT
- Air pollution case study PPT
- Noise Pollution PPT
- Photochemical Smog PPT
- Causes of Water Pollution PPT
- Indoor Air Pollution PPT
- Light Pollution PPT
- Prevention of Noise Pollution PPT
- Noise Pollution Act of 2000 PPT
- Visual Pollution PPT
- Smog PPT
- Air Quality PPT
- Effects of water pollution on human health PPT
- Soil Pollution PPT
- Oil Pollution PPT
- Ganga River Pollution PPT
- Ocean Pollution PPT
- Yamuna Pollution PPT
- Microplastic Pollution PPT
Note: Because we have given more than 30 PPT in one place. So It may take time to open the preview of all the PPTs. Please keep waiting, If it may take some time to load.
Pollution PPT
List of the Topics Covered in the first 4 Pollution PPT :
- Types of Pollution
- Air Pollution
- Water Pollution
- Noise Pollution
- Land Pollution
- Radio Active Pollution
- thermal pollution
- What is Atmosphere
- Pollution In Facts and Figures
- Pollution Control Measures
- The PPC Division
- Enforcement Mechanisms
- Causes of air pollution
- Effects of air pollution
- How to avoid air pollution
- Definition and causes and effects of water pollution
- Water pollution pictures
- How to avoid water pollution
- Noise pollution (causes, effects, and prevention)
- How to avoid noise pollution
- Definition, causes, and prevention of land pollution
- Land pollution pictures
Pollution PPT 1
Pollution Powerpoint Presentation 2
Pollution Prevention and Control PPT 3
Types of Pollution PPT 4
Air pollution PPT
List of topics covered in This PPT:
- What is air
- List of major air pollutants
- Sources and effects of air pollutants
- What is air pollutants?
- Six major air pollutants
- Major sources of pollutants
- Greenhouse gases
- Causes of air pollution
- What is air pollution
- Effects of air pollution
- Acid rain
- Wildlife affected by air pollution
- Ozone layer
- Greenhouse effect
- Global warming
- Air problems caused by incineration of waste materials
- Controlling air pollution
List of the topics covered in all water pollution PPTs:
- Human and natural pollutants
- Sources of water pollution
- How do we measure water quality?
- Quantitative water quality tests
- Qualitative water tests
- What are some indicator species of water pollution
- Is the water safe to drink?
- What have developed countries done to reduce stream pollution
- What have developed countries done to reduce stream pollution
- Who reports on drinking water
- Clean water act 1972
- Safe water drinking act 1974
- Water purification
- What is water pollution?
- Types of water pollution
- Causes of water pollution
- Effects of water pollution
- What you can do
- Classification of water pollutant
- Common water-borne diseases
Water Pollution PPT 1
Water Pollution PPT 2
PPT on Water Pollution 3
Water Pollution PPT Presentation 4
PPT 10
Water act 1974 PPT
List of the Topics covered in all water act PPTs:- Introduction
- Salient provisions of water act (1974)
- Objectives & scope
- Powers and functions of boards
- Prevention and control of water pollution
- Penalties and procedure
- Miscellaneous
- Application and commencement
- Functions of the central board (sec. 16)
- Functions of the state board
- Ganga action plan ( gap)
- Water quality board actions
Water Act 1974 PPT 1
PPT 11
Water Act 1974 Powerpoint presentation 2
PPT 12
Environmental pollution PPT
List of the Topics Covered:- Definition
- Pollutant
- Degradable pollution
- Non-degradable pollution
- Types of pollution ( noise,air,water,land ,soil,thermal,nuclear)
- Air pollution
- Composition of air
- Types of pollutants
- Sources of air pollution
- Effects of air pollution
- Ozone depletion
- Greenhouse effect
- Smog
- Water pollution ( meaning, types, definition, sources, causes and control and measures)
- Soil pollution
- Causes of soil degradation
- Marine pollution
- Causes, effects, control, and measure of marine pollution
- Control measures for oil pollution
- Noise pollution
- Levels of noise and vibration
- Decibel levels of common sounds DB
- Ambient noise levels DB
- Safe time exposure in DB
- Effects of noise pollution
- Control techniques
- Thermal pollution
- Nuclear hazards
- Effects of nuclear pollution
- Control measures
- Role of an individual in prevention of pollution
EVS Pollution PPT 1
PPT 13
Environmental pollution PPT 2
Tables of Content:
- Types of pollution
- Water pollution
- Sources of water pollution
- Municipal wastewater
- Industrial waste
- Inorganic pollutants
- Organic pollutants
- Agricultural wastes
- Marine pollution
- Thermal pollution
- Air pollution
- Causes of air pollution
- Consequences of air pollution
- Land pollution
- Causes of land pollution
- Noise pollution
- Sources of noise pollution
- Effects of noise pollution
- Solutions for noise pollution
- Ways to stop pollution
- Global warming and the greenhouse effect
- Difference between global warming and the greenhouse effect
- Some proof of global warming
PPT 14
Light pollution PPT
List of the topics covered in all light pollution PPT:- What is light pollution?
- Definition
- Types of light pollution
- Consequences
- Reduction
- And types
- Causes effect solution
Light Pollution PPT 1
PPT 15
Light Pollution Powerpoint Presentation 2
PPT 16
Photochemical smog PPT
List of the Topics Covered in PPT:- Smog types
- Photochemical smog
- Air pollutant
- How photochemical smog is formed
- The process involving the formation of photochemical smog
- Effect on human health and plants
- Sources and effect of photochemical smog
- Factors affecting the formation of photochemical smog
- Mitigation measures for photochemical smog
- How to save the environment by preventing smog
PPT 17
Plastic pollution ppt
List of the Topics covered in all Plastic Pollution PPT:- What is pollution?
- What is plastic?
- What is plastic pollution?
- History of plastic
- Plastic pollution
- Chemicals in plastic
- Types of plastic products
- Sources of plastic pollution
- Causes of plastic pollution
- Effects of plastic pollution
- Solutions to plastic pollution
- Steps taken by govt
- Initiatives on plastic pollution
- Case studies
- Ways to mitigate plastic pollution
- Scary facts about plastic
Plastic Pollution PPT 1
Marine pollution PPT
List of the Topics Covered in all Marine Pollution PPT:
- Introduction
- Types of marine pollution
- Causes & effects of marine pollution
- Prevention and control
- What is a pollution?
- What is marine pollution??
- Causes of marine pollution
- Major impacts of marine pollution
- The health of marine life
- Some examples of marine pollution
- Ways of pollutant inputs
- Human impacts on marine environments
- How to protect marine life?
- Oil pollution
- Garbage pollution
- Accidental loss or discharge of fishing gear
- Plan to reduce and store your garbage
- Garbage waste management onboard shore facilities
- Marine pollution threats and biodiversity conservation
- Ocean world
- Marine life and resources
- Marine ecosystem
- Marine biodiversity
- Marine pollution threats
- Pollutants types & sources
- Impact of marine pollution
- Coastal ecology
- Coastal regulation zone (crz)
- Aquaculture: the blue revolution?
- How to solve environmental pollution
- Role of marine biotechnology on environmental pollution
- Suggestions to protect marine environments
- World environmental day- June 5
- Policies and acts for the protection
Marine Pollution PPT 1
PPT 20
Marine Pollution Presentation 2
PPT 21
Marine Pollution PPT Presentation 3
PPT 22
Marine Pollution Case Study PPT 4
PPT 23
Thermal pollution PPT
List of the Topics Covered in all Thermal Pollution PPTs:
- Introduction
- Diagramatic representation
- Causes of thermal pollution
- Effects of thermal pollution
- Control of thermal pollution
- The Bentley manufacturing company
- Freeze fish breeding in Macquarie river
- Thermal pollution and the Hudson river
- Impacts of thermal pollution
- Thermal pollution causes and consequences
- Case study
Thermal Pollution PPT 1
PPT 24
Thermal Pollution Presentation 2
PPT 25
Thermal Pollution PPT Presentation 3
PPT 26
Thermal Pollution PPT 4
PPT 27
Thermal Pollution PPT 5
PPT 28
Land pollution PPT
List of the topics covered in all Land pollution PPTs:
- What is land pollution?
- Causes of land pollution
- Effects of land pollution
- Prevention of land pollution
- Solutions for land pollution
PPT 30
Noise Pollution PPT
- Health Effects
- Sources of Noise Pollution
- Solutions for Noise Pollution
PPT 31
- What is agricultural pollution
- Definition
- Types of agricultural pollution
- Main causes of agricultural pollution
- Effects of agricultural pollution
- Challenges of agricultural pollution
- Ways to reduce agricultural pollution
- Types of the mechanism of agricultural pollution
- Leaching and groundwater poisoning
- Water runoff
- Eutrophication
- Challenges or managements problems of agricultural pollution
- Prevention and techniques of agriculture pollution
- A figure showing irrigation drainage
Agriculture water pollution PPT
List of the Topics covered in PPT:- Introduction
- Agriculture as a cause
- Sources of awp
- Impacts
If you didn't find what you are looking for in the pollution ppt then you can check the other useful links which we have given below:
It is hard to find and download some useful ppts and presentations on pollution on the net. Here we have given some Best and Impactful Pollution PPT. Now it is easy to download all pollution PPT at one place on all the topics.
If you are a college student. Then you have to make such PPT Presentation on Pollution Topic for your project or assignment. To make your presentation better. You can go through all these PPTs. This PPT is downloadable. You can use them as it is or with the help of this pollution ppt you can create your own.
You can check and go through all the PPT presentations of pollution. And can download all or anyone which is relevant to your topic. Whether you are a school student or a college student These PPTs will provide you a lot of help in making your Presentation on Pollution.
Here we have given multiple PPT on Same Topic. You can check all the topics which we have mentioned just before the staring of Pollution PPT.
Not only for presentation purpose, but you can also use this PPT on Pollution for notes making of EVS and making different EVS and Pollution Assignments and Project files. These PPT is in Both PPT and PDF form which you can easily download.
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