Pollution PDF
Here you will get the PDF of Pollution Topic Free. If you are searching for the PDF of the Pollution Topic. Then here you will get lots of selected Pollution pdf on all the topics of Pollution and environmental studies. For making assignments and projects and for learning you will get some ebook pdf notes of pollution here.Here you will get environmental Pollution pdf, air pollution pdf, water pollution pdf, soil pollution pdf, land pollution pdf, marine pollution pdf in English.
Whether you are studying in school or college. These Pollution and evs pdf will give you a lot of help in making notes.
Now let us talk about the topics which we have covered in these Pollution PDF also with the downloadable link.
Pollution PDF – 1
- DEFINITION and Meaning of Pollution
- Air Pollution
- Water Pollution
- Soil Pollution
- Marine Pollution
- Noise Pollution
- Thermal Pollution
- Nuclear hazards
Pollution PDF – 2 ( Handmade Notes)
- Meaning of Pollution
- Pollutants
- Types of Pollution
Pollution PDF Book 3
Environmental Education ( EVS PDF) Unit Wise Topics List:
Unit‐I: Introduction to Environmental Education
- Meaning, Scope, and Importance of Environmental Education
- Ecological factors – climate;
- Ecosystem – Structure, and functions
- Major ecosystems
Unit‐II: Environmental problems and protection
- Environmental pollution and its consequences – Air pollution, water pollution, land pollution, nuclear pollution, Ozone depletions
- Urbanization and its impacts on the environment
- Deforestation and its impacts on the environment
- Ways of protecting,
- Management of Environment,
- Preserving and Restoring of environment
Unit‐III: India and Environmental Issues and Policies
- Environmental Awareness
- Environmental problems of India
- Environmental ethics
- nature conservation education movement
- Social forestry scheme
- Conservation of biodiversity: Meanings and need
- conservation of natural resources – soil, forest, water and wildlife In‐situ conservation of National parks and sanctuaries
- Biosphere Reserves
- Man and Biosphere Program (MAP)
- Ex-situ conservation, in –situ conservation, IUCN Red list categories, hot spots
Unit‐IV: Human population and environment
- Population growth
- Indian population situations
- population explosion
- family welfare program
- Environment and Human health
- Factors affecting environment
- Acid rain
- greenhouse effect
- Extinction of species
- soil erosion and energy crisis
Unit-V: International Efforts for Environmental Protection
- The Stockholm conference 1972
- Brundtland commission 1983
- Nairobi conference 1982
- The Rio Summit 1992
- the Rio Declaration at the earth charter
- Major achievement of the Rio Summit
- Main features of the Rio Declaration
- Kyoto conference and part on Global Warming 1997
- present developments
Unit‐VI: Environmental laws in India
- Environmental Legislation, Acts, Rules, Notifications, and Amendments International Environmental Agreements
- Role of mass media and technology in developing awareness about environmental problems
- Role of NGO’s and Government organization in developing Environmental education.
- Environmental Movements and Developments:
- Environmental movements in India:
- Silent Valley movement
- Chipko movement
- Narmada Bachao
- Andolan
- National Test Range at Balipal Orissa
- Conditions for achieving the goals of sustainable development strategies for sustainable development in India
Unit‐VII: Environment research program
- Environmental Management
- Database Management for Environmental appraisal
- Monitoring and warning system
- Society, culture, and environment: Meaning – Changes of Values, cultural values, aesthetic values, man and environment, the nature of scientific conclusions, the state of public knowledge of ecology, rights, and responsibilities in ecology understanding.
Pollution PDF 4
Almost all the topics of Pollution and environmental studies ( EVS) has been covered in these pdf. If you want some more stuff on pollution and evs. Then Simple visit the links given below.
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