B.Ed Syllabus
B. Ed is a teacher training course for two years. Here you can find the new and latest 2017 – 2018 – 2019 – 2020 B.Ed syllabus
and curriculum for 2 year BEd program. This B.Ed syllabus is based on the NCERT
and NCTE Framework. By Clicking on the links given to the various B.Ed
subjects. You can check the overall details of that subject. These details
include objectives and importance of studying bed subject, course content and
syllabus, marks scheme, practical assignments, and tasks, and suggested readings
and best books for B.Ed.
(AS per NCTE Framework)
Year – 1 (Semester 1 and 2) ( B.Ed First Year Syllabus)
Compulsory or mandatory Subjects:
Optional Subjects:
Pedagogical subjects are teaching subjects or we can say
teaching of Hindi / English / Mathematics/ Science etc. (Student-Teacher has to
select two teaching subjects. Teaching subjects are based on the previous
academic qualifications of the student. Suppose if you have done B.A then you
have to select at least one language subject and one maybe social studies.
Commerce students will choose economics and commerce; science students will
choose mathematics and science. )
Teaching subjects are:
Practical Subjects
are compulsory subjects for all). In Practical subjects of B.Ed, the student-teacher has to
prepare different assignments,
projects and files.
These Practical subjects are:
YEAR-2 (semester 3 and 4 ) (Second-year B.Ed syllabus and Subjects)
Theory Subjects
Practical Subjects
School-Based activities are basically the internship
file or report which a pupil-teacher has to prepare during their internship
in the school. And In Skill in Teaching the Lesson
Plans are to be prepared by the student-teacher for demo teaching.
Note: This B.Ed syllabus may subject to change according
to the norms of the universities. Some subjects may change. But in most of the
universities providing B.ed, The subjects are same. This B.Ed syllabus is for
all the regular and distance universities.
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