Language Across The Curriculum Syllabus

Language Across The Curriculum Syllabus


lac syllabus for b.ed


After completion of the course, student teachers will be able to:
1.      enhance knowledge acquisition through LAC Approach
2.      understand the different roles of language
3.      use language in all domains, in each learning activity in school
4.      create a link among different subjects through language learning
5.      use multilingualism as a strategy in the classroom situation
6.      study authentic literary and non- literary texts
7.      appreciate different dialects & registers of language
8.      develop an insight into the symbolic relationship between curriculum, syllabus  and  textbooks
9.      understand different language skills & ways to develop these
10.   develop creativity among learners



Introduction to Language across the Curriculum Approach
·        Meaning, need and benefits of LAC Approach
·        Respective roles of Content Subject Teachers and Language Teachers in LAC Approach
·        Language learning & Learning through Language General Classroom Language
·        Functions of Language in Classroom Learning

Language Acquisition and Language Learning
·        Multi -Cultural Awareness & Language Diversity
·        Relationship between Language and society: Identity, Power, and Discrimination
·        Multilingualism as a Resource & a Strategy

Language Discourse in the Classroom
·        General Classroom Language
·        Classroom Instructions and Language Learning
·        Use of Literature across the curriculum
·        Role of Questioning & Discussions in the classroom


Listening and Speaking is Essential Communicative Skills
·        Processing and Enquiring Information
·        Listening and Speaking to Interact: dialogue, storytelling, poem,
·        Recitation, Short play
·        Respond to Style, Tone, and Registers of language

Reading to Learn and Understand
·        Scanning, Skimming and Extracting relevant information from the books
·        Understand the meaning in reference to the context
·        Schema Theory; Text structures, & reading in content areas

Writing to Learn and Understand
·        Linkages between reading & Writing
·        Learn to write reports, reviews, essays, notices, letters, and creative writings
·        Presentations of selected papers, questions, and answers

Tasks & Assignments: 
·        Prepare a report on any one of the following-
·        Write a Book review considering the following points-
·        Use of different registers of Language
·        Technical aspects of Language
·        Meaning conveyed in the Text
·        Design a Newsletter on the Basis of Academic & Co-curricular Activities held in your College.
·        Any other the project was given by the institution


·        Agnihotri, R.K.(1995).Multilingualism as a classroom resource. In K.Heugh, A. Sieruhn and
·        P. Pluddemonn (Eds.) Multilingual Education for South  Africa.  Johannesburg,  South  Africa: Heinemann.3-7.
·        Hayes, J. H. (2006). Active Literacy Across the Curriculum: Strategies  for  Reading,  Writing, Speaking, and Listening, Eye on Education.
·        Kelly, K. A. New Challenge for Chemistry Education, Volume 32 No.5, September  -  October 2010.
·        Peachey N., (2003) Content-based Instruction, The British Council.

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