Drama and Arts in Education Syllabus

Drama and Arts in Education Syllabus


drama and arts syllabus for b.ed free download in hindi and english


After completion of the course, student teachers will be able to:
·        develop and understanding of drama & art, the scope, and purpose of art education and art as the basis of education
·        exhibit basic understanding in art appreciation, art expression, and art education
·        bring the  arts  into  the center  of  exploration,  e.g.  in  visual  arts:  semiotics  of  the image/film/play/music
·        explore the adaptive strategies of artistic expression
·        recognize the role of drama as education in the elementary school
·        learn to identify areas that are best suited for drama exploration
·        examine through chosen themes, how learning can take place in the classroom through group drama exploration by a whole class of elementary school students
·        explore the role of the teacher as a creative guide in learning that is drama driven
·        explore how art can enhance learning



Understanding Drama and Arts in Education
·        Meaning and Concept of ‘Art’ and ‘Arts in Education’,
·        Understanding aesthetics and its education relevance
·        Drama and Arts as Pedagogy of learning and development- understanding drama, Arts (Visual & Performing Arts) and their importance in teaching-learning of different subjects at the school level.
·        Range of art activities in drama
·        Experiencing, responding and appreciating the drama
·        Exposure to selective basic skills required for drama
·        Drama: Facilitating interest among students: planning and implementing activities
·        Enhancing learning through drama for children with and without special needs: strategies and adaptations

Media and Electronic Arts
·        Range of art activities in media and electronic art forms
·        Experiencing, responding and appreciating media and electronic arts
·        Exposure to selective basic skills in media and electronic arts
·        Media and electronic arts: Facilitating interest among students: planning and implementing activities
·        Enhancing learning through media and electronic  art  for  children  with  and  without special needs: strategies and adaptations 

Task and Assignment: Any two of the following:
·        Role-Playing’ activity for historical/contemporary personalities wherein students play the role of that personality to advocate his/her opinions/decisions/thought processes (for example, Akbar, Hitler, Galileo, Bhagat Singh, etc.)
·        Write a self-reflective essay on how this course on art will make you a better teacher
·        Learn and briefly explain how music notations are made. Submit a brief report OR learn and explain the concept of composition in visual art. Submit a brief report. OR make and submit a sample advertisement for a product OR Learn Mudras of a classical dance forms and hold a session for the students on that. Submit photo report of the same
·        Carryout web search on Indian sculpture and submit a brief compilation
·        Organizing art, craft and music exercise with small groups followed by discussions and presentation.
·        Observe an art period in a school and briefly write your reflections on it.
·        Any other project/ assignment given by the institution.

NOTE: External practical will be conducted by an external examiner at the end of the semester. 


·        Chawla, S.S. (1986). The teaching of Art. Patiala: Publication Bureau, Punjabi University.
·        Dodd, N. and Winifred, H. (1971/1980).  Drama  and  Theatre  in  Education, Lundon: Heinmann.
·        Efland, A. D.  (1990).  A  history  of  Art  Education:  Intellectual  and  social currents inteaching the visual arts. New York, NY: Teachers College Press.
·        Harriet, G. (1964). Art in Everyday Life. Calcutta: Oxford and IBH Publishing Company.
·        Khanna, S. and NBT (1992). Joy of Making Indian Toys, Popular Science. New Delhi: NBT.
·        McCaslin,  N.  (1987).  Creative  Drama  in  the  Primary  Grades.  Vol.  I  and   In the Intermediate Grades, Vol. II, New York/London: Longman.
·        Mishra, A. (2004). Aaj bhi KhareinhaiTalaab, Gandhi Peace Foundation, 5 th Edition.
·        Narayan, S. (1997). Gandhi views on Education: Buniyadi Shiksha [Basic  Education], The Selected Works of Gandhi; The Voice of Truth, Vol 6, Navajivan Publishing house.
·        NCERT (2006). Position Paper  National  Focus  Group  on  Arts,  Music,  Dance  and Theatre, New Delhi: NCERT.
·        Prasad, D. (1998). Art as the Basis of Education, NBT, New Delhi.
·        Sahi, J. and Sahi, R.(2009). Learning Through Art, Eklavya.
·        Shirley, G. (2000). Art, an A to Z guide. Franklin Watts: USA.
·        Vaze, P. (1999). How to Draw and Paint Nature. Jyosna Prakashan: Mumbai.
·        Ward, A. (1993). Sound and Music. Franklin Watts: New York.

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