What is childhood and growing up?
Childhood and growing up in is the psychological subject in which the child psychology is taught so that the student teacher will be able to know and understand the child very well which is very important for a teacher.
Here is the complete syllabus of Childhood and Growing up for BEd which is given below.OBJECTIVES and Importance of studying of Childhood And Growing Up Subject:
After completion of the course, student
teachers will be able to:
explain the
meaning, concept, and characteristics of growth, maturation, and development at
various stages
describe the
problems of childhood and adolescent age especially with
respect to the
Indian context
develop an
understanding of different aspects of a child’s physical, intellectual, social
and moral development
analyze the
impact of urbanization, globalization and economic changes on construction and the experience acquired by the growing child
develop an
understanding of dimensions and stages of childhood development and
developmental tasks; with a focus on cognitive views of learning
as well as social-cultural and
explain the
concept of individual differences and its implications
enlist the
factors influencing the individual difference
between classical and operant conditioning theory of learning
explain the
Piaget’s concept of cognitive development
between Kohlberg’s theory of moral development and Erikson theory of psycho-
social development
describe the
role of the teacher in teaching-learning situations
explain the concept
and principles of different perspectives in learning
childhood in the context of poverty and globalization
Development of Child at different Stages
(Childhood and Adolescence)
Concept, Meaning
and general principles of growth and development. Stages of development—growth
and development across various stages from infancy to
adolescence. (Physical, intellectual, social and moral development.)
theory of moral development
psycho-social development theory
affecting Growth and development
role of heredity and environment in development.
Concept of
growth and maturation
styles: influencing developmental aspects of childhood and adolescence.
Impact of
Media on growing children and adolescents:
deconstruction of significant
events that the media highlights and creates.
Understanding Individual Difference
Concept of the individual difference, Factors influencing individual difference, Educational
implications of individual differences for teachers in organizing educational activities.
of differences in psychological attributes-cognitive, interest, aptitude, creativity, personality, and values.
Understanding an individual from multiple intelligences perspective with a focus on
Gardner's theory of multiple intelligences. Implications for teaching-learning
differences based on a range of cognitive abilities—learning difficulties, slow
learners and dyslexics, intellectual deficiency, intellectual giftedness.
Implications for catering to individual variations in view of ‘difference’
rather than ‘deficit’ perspective.
Methods and
Ways to understand Children’s and Adolescents’ Behavior: Gathering data about
children from different contexts: naturalistic observations; interviews;
reflective journals about children; anecdotal records and narratives
characteristics and kinds of Play; Play and its functions: linkages with
the physical, social, emotional, cognitive.
Games and
group dynamics, rules of games and how children
learn to negotiate
differences and resolve conflict.
Theoretical Perspectives to enhance Learning
among Children and Adolescents
Meaning, implicit knowledge and beliefs.
Perspective on
Human Learning: connectionists or
Behaviorist (Thorndike, Classical
and Operant Conditioning)
(Insightful learning, Tolman’s Sign learning theory) Constructivism
discovery learning:
Concepts and
principles of each perspective and their applicability in different learning
and applicability of various theories of learning for different kinds of
learning situations.
Role of the learner in various learning situations as seen in different theoretical perspectives.
Role of
teacher in teaching-learning situations.
Deprivation and Deprived Children: Measures
for their Adjustment and Education
Childhood in
the context of poverty and globalization
issues related to adolescents stress and the role of the teacher (Increasing
loneliness, changing family structures and rising permissiveness)
Issues in the marginalization of difference and diversity
living in an urban slum, socially deprived girls: measures to bring improvement in
their status
rearing practices of children
separated from parents
practices of children’s
separated children in crèches; children in orphanages
Schooling: peer influences, school culture, relationships with teachers, teacher
expectations and school achievement; being out of school, overage learner
needs and behavioral problems of children and
adolescents: Relationships with peers: friendships and gender;
competition and cooperation,
competition and conflict; aggression and bullying from early
childhood to adolescence substance abuse, drug addiction,
Impact of
globalization, urbanization and economic changes on
construction and experience of children in childhood and
adolescent age.
& Assignments:
any two of the following Psychological Tests and prepare a report on it:
o Intelligence
o Personality
o Self-Concept Questionnaire/ Inventory
o Creativity
o Learning Style Inventory
o Parenting Style Inventory
o Interest Test
o Teaching Attitude
Conduct a
case study on a problematic Child (M.R, L.D, V.I, H.I, disruptive behavior and
delinquent child etc.) and prepare a report on
Prepare an
observation schedule and observe the behavior of the child in a school setting.
Prepare a
survey report on “How media is affecting the behavior of growing child” on
a group
of Ten Children of age 6-14 years in terms of enhancing
violence and developmental
aspects of childhood. (The survey should be based on the collection of the data using a
Any other
task/assignment given by the institution.
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