Commerce Lesson Plan
This is the sample and detailed business studies (commerce) lesson plan for accounting teachers of high schools in English with the help of which teachers will be able to know and have some idea about How to teach accounting and business studies in high school and grade 11th and 12th students.
This lesson plan is not only for new teachers of commerce but also for the trainee teachers of various teacher training courses like B.Ed, DELED, and BTC. The format of making business studies and accounting lesson plan for trainee teachers will be
Teaching Points | Teacher/Trainee teacher activity | Student’s activity | Black-Board Work |
Note - The format of making commerce lesson plans may vary from university to university and school to school. You may make some changes according to your needs in the lesson plan given below. Now, let's start the lesson plan.
Lesson Plan for Business Studies Class 11 and 12
Brief Overview of the Lesson Plan
- Teacher / Trainee Teacher name–
- Class / Grade – 11 and 12
- Subject – Commerce ( Business Studies)
- Duration of the Period – 40 to 60 minute
- The average age of the students – 16
- Topic – Internal Trade (Domestic Trade)
Check Also:
- Commerce, Business Study and Accounts Lesson Plan in Hindi
- Commerce, Business Studies & Accounting Lesson Plans in English
- [1000+] B.Ed Lesson Plans
- B.Ed Practical Files and Assignments
- B.Ed Books and Notes PDF
- B.Ed Files Pics and Charts Collection
- BEd Model / Sample and Previous Year Papers
- All Subject Lesson Plans for Teachers
Note: The Commerce Lesson Plan given below is just an example. You can change the Name, Class, Course, Date, Duration, etc. according to your needs.
Content Analysis –
- Meaning of internal trade
- Features of internal trade
- Types of internal trade
General Aims of teaching commerce or business studies –
- To develop knowledge regarding commerce
- To develop students interest in commerce
- To develop thinking ability of the students
- To develop the attitude of students in commerce
Instructional Objects of teaching Commerce or Business Studies –
- Students will be able to define internal trade
- Students will be able to explain the features of internal trade
- Students will be able to explain its various types.
- Students will be able to explain internal trade.
- Students will be able to judge the types of internal trade
- Students will be able to demonstrate internal trade
Teaching aids used –
General teaching aids used – chalk, chalkboard, duster
Instructional teaching aids – Charts showing the types of internal trade.
Previous knowledge assumed –
It is pre-assumed by the teacher or trainee teacher before entering the classroom that students have some knowledge about commerce.
Previous knowledge testing –
In order to test the previous knowledge of the students, teacher or trainee teacher will ask the following questions –
Teacher / Trainee Teacher activity | Student’s activity |
What do you mean by Trade? | Buying and selling of goods. |
What activities are involved in Trade? | Production, banking, and Insurance |
What are the types of Trade? | No Response |
Announcement of the Topic –
Finding the students unable to answer the last question asked by the teacher/trainee teacher/ The teacher will announce the topic by saying, “ Well Student”, Today we shall study “Internal Trade”.
Presentation –
With the help of the chart and explanation method, the teacher or trainee teacher will develop the lesson.
Teaching Point | Teacher / Trainee Teacher activity | Student’s activity | Chalkboard work |
Meaning of Internal Trade | While moving into the class, the teacher/trainee the teacher will ask what do you understand by internal trade?![]() | Buying and selling of goods take place within the national boundaries | Internal Trade |
The teacher will say very good and explain that "internal trade is that trade that is carried on within the boundaries of a country." | Students will write in their notebook. | ||
Features of Internal trade | While writing on the Blackboard, the teacher will ask what are the features of internal trade? | Students will listen carefully | Features of Internal trade |
pupil-teacher will say very good and explain while writing on the BlackBoard. | |||
Feature 1 – Trade in the boundaries of the country | While writing on the blackboard, the teacher will explain to the students and ask them to write in their notebook. | The students will write in their notebook | Trade in the boundaries of the country |
Feature 2 – Free movement of goods | While standing on the lecture stand, the teacher or trainee teacher will explain what is free movement of good.![]() | Students will listen carefully | Free movement of goods |
Feature 3 – Dealing in the local currency | While writing on the blackboard, the teacher will ask the students to write in their notebook. | students will write down In their notebooks | |
Feature – 4 Separate special act to settle disputes | While moving into the class, the teacher or pupil-teacher will explain that there is a separate special act to settle disputes. | students will listen carefully | a separately special act to settle disputes |
Types of Internal Trade | The teacher or trainee teacher tells the students that internal trade can be classified into two categories. 1. Wholesale trade 2. Retail Trade | students will listen carefully | Types of Internal Trade 1. Wholesale trade 2. Retail trade |
Whole Sale Trade | The teacher will explain that wholesale trade refers to the trade in which goods are sold in large quantities. | Students will listen carefully | ![]() |
Retail Trade | while standing on the lecture stand, teacher or pupil-teacher will explain that retail trade refers to buying and selling in small quantities | students will write down in their notebook. | ![]() |
Generalization –
It is generalized by the teacher or trainee teacher that students have acquired knowledge about internal trade.
Recapitulation –
Match the column:
Invitation to the public – Business policies
Authentic record – debenture and share
General policies – term and condition
Home Work –
- What do you mean by internal trade and write the features of trade?
- Explain the types of internal trade.
Context –
Business Studies ( Class 11th and 12th)
Check Also:
- Commerce, Business Study and Accounts Lesson Plan in Hindi
- Commerce, Business Studies & Accounting Lesson Plans in English
- [1000+] B.Ed Lesson Plans
- B.Ed Practical Files and Assignments
- B.Ed Books and Notes PDF
- B.Ed Files Pics and Charts Collection
- BEd Model / Sample and Previous Year Papers
- All Subject Lesson Plans for Teachers
Further Reference:
This is the real teaching mega and macro lesson plan of commerce, accounting, and business studies. For more lesson plans of commerce for micro and real teaching stay connected with us.
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