B.Ed (bachelor of education) 1st Year (Two Year) - Question Paper
Examination – June, 2016
PADAGOGY OF ENGLISH {Paper : 4/5} – Teaching of English
Note: Attempt Five Questions in all. Q.NO .1 is Compulsory .Attempt other four questions selecting One Question from each Unit. All Questions carry Equal Marks.
1. Write Short Notes on the Following:
(A) Functions of language
(B) Constructive Approach
(C) Intonation and its Implications
(D) Removal of common errors through remedial teaching
2. Enumerate various linguistic Principles along with linguistic characteristics of English
3. Define approach .Discuss in detail multilingual approach to language teaching.
4. Differentiate between Approach and method. While teaching prose which method will be preferred by you and why? Support your answer with suitable examples.
5. Which method will be adopted by you for teaching ‘Clauses’? Give reasons for your selection.
6. How will you develop elementary Knowledge of English sounds among Learners? Also highlight role of Storytelling and games in developing skills of English language.
7. Write a Detailed note on developing study skills including using of Thesauruses, Dictionary and Encyclopaedia etc.
8. What do you understand by remedial teaching? Enumerate and discuss various remedial teaching strategies along with their significance.
9. How will you Evaluate and assess the development of language and creative and critical thinking of learners? Briefly Explain.
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