Drama and Arts in Education is a practical subject in B.ed. In many universities, student-teacher has to prepare or make art and craft file of drama and arts in education on a4 / a3 or a5 sheets. In these file student teachers has to draw different drawings of art and craft. In most of the files animals, birds, fruits, vegetables, sceneries, blow painting, thread painting, Letters and alphabets with the help of marker or any topic of their teaching subject has to draw. This file is all about art and craft in Drama and Arts in Education. With the help of this drama and art in education student teacher can prepare their own drama and art projects and files.
Here is the list of the topics mentioned in B.ed practical file of drama and Art in Education
- Scenery
- Object Drawing
- Peacock – Pencil Shading
- Potato painting
- Tulip Pant – Onion Impression
- Ladyfinger Impression
- Tread painting
- Pattern Drawing
- Spray painting
- Different Impression of Leaves
- Star Bindi Pasting in BAT
- Natural Colour
Art and Craft PDF
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