Overview – Meaning and definition of Computer input devices, meaning
of keyboard, mouse, joystick, touch screen, light pen, digital camera, scanner,
OCR, OMR, MICR and Voice Recognition
Computer Input Devices
Meaning of Input Devices of Computer: input devices are those devices that are meant
for feeding data and instructions into the memory of computer in computer
understandable form. Some input devices are given below:
Meaning and Functions of Keyboard: A computer keyboard is one of the primary input
devices for a computer system. Many styles of keyboards exist, but a few common
components of most keyboards include a keypad, a QWERTY-style keyboard and
function buttons. Keyboards may also contain special knobs and buttons at the
top for opening Internet browsers and other applications in addition to
controlling volume.
Meaning and Functions of Mouse: Mouse is
another widely input device. It is a pointing device which is used in the
process of feeding the data. It is moved across a flat surface or a plane
table. It is supported by a long wire which is connected to the mother board of
the computer. It shows the arrow like image on the screen. This arrow is called
mouse pointer.
is associated with two or three push buttons which can be gently pressed by the
fingers. When the mouse is activated, we see a flashing arrow on the monitor
screen. When the mouse is moved on the surface of the table or mouse pad, this
arrow comes in the movement.
Computer Basics Online Free, Free Exam cum lecture notes of computer input
devices and ICT File
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