What are Computer Input Devices and Describe the various types of Computer Input devices

What are Computer Input Devices and Describe the various types of Computer Input devices

Overview – Meaning and definition of Computer input devices, meaning of keyboard, mouse, joystick, touch screen, light pen, digital camera, scanner, OCR, OMR, MICR and Voice Recognition

Computer Input Devices

Meaning of Input Devices of Computer: input devices are those devices that are meant for feeding data and instructions into the memory of computer in computer understandable form. Some input devices are given below:

Meaning and Functions of Keyboard: A computer keyboard is one of the primary input devices for a computer system. Many styles of keyboards exist, but a few common components of most keyboards include a keypad, a QWERTY-style keyboard and function buttons. Keyboards may also contain special knobs and buttons at the top for opening Internet browsers and other applications in addition to controlling volume.

Meaning and Functions of Mouse: Mouse is another widely input device. It is a pointing device which is used in the process of feeding the data. It is moved across a flat surface or a plane table. It is supported by a long wire which is connected to the mother board of the computer. It shows the arrow like image on the screen. This arrow is called mouse pointer.

Mouse is associated with two or three push buttons which can be gently pressed by the fingers. When the mouse is activated, we see a flashing arrow on the monitor screen. When the mouse is moved on the surface of the table or mouse pad, this arrow comes in the movement.

Meaning and Functions of Joystick Joystick is a pointing device with a vertical lever mounted on a base. The lever usually include buttons called triggers, which activate certain events when pressed. Joysticks are mainly used for computer games and ultrasound scanners in hospitals. 

Touch Screen:
Meaning and Functions of Touch Screen:touch screen is a touch-sensitive display. Touch screens are often used for information kiosks located in department stores, hotels, airports, and museums. Touch screens are also used for ATM machines to allow easy access of bank accounts. 

Light Pen:
Meaning and Functions of Light Pen:light pen is a pointing device that can detect the presence of light. Light pens are used by health care professionals (such as doctors and dentists) and design work.

Digital Camera:
Meaning and Functions of Digital Camera:digital camera  takes pictures & stores the images digitally, rather than on traditional film. Digital cameras use different media to store images , which include flash memory card , floppy disk , compact disc & micro drive . The quality of  a  digital  camera  is  always  determined by  its resolution

and color depth.  Optical resolution is the actual photographed resolution. Enhanced resolution or interpolated resolution uses a special formula to add pixels between those generated by the optical resolution.

Meaning and Functions of Scannerscanner is a light-sensing input device that converts printed text and graphics into a digital form that can be further processed by the computer. The quality of a scanner is determined by its resolution and color depth.
Meaning and Functions of OCR: Most OCR readers include a small optical scanner for reading characters and sophisticated OCR software for analyzing what is read. OCR readers are often used for turnaround documents (e.g., electricity bills).

Optical mark recognition (OMR):
Meaning and Functions of OMR: Optical mark recognition (OMR) readers can sense hand-drawn marks such as small circles or rectangles made on pre-printed forms in certain places. The OMR reader first reads the answer key sheet to record the correct answers based on the patterns of light, and then reads the remaining documents and matches their patterns of light against the answer key sheet. OMR readers are often used for marking multiple choice answer sheets, capturing data from questionnaires, enrolment forms, and lottery tickets. 

Magnetic ink character recognition (MICR):
Meaning and Functions of MICR:  Magnetic ink character recognition (MICR) reader can read text printed with magnetized ink. 
 Magnetic ink character recognition is used most exclusively by the banking    industry for processing checks. The characters represent the check number,  the bank number, and the account number of customers.
Voice Recognition :
Meaning and Functions of Voice Recognition: Voice recognition, or speech recognition, is the computer's capability to distinguish spoken words. Voice recognition programs do not actually understand speech; they only recognize a vocabulary of preprogrammed words.

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