Input devices - Meaning
devices are used to put data and instructions into the computer. There are many
different types of
device and here are some of them.
Keyboard is found on computers like desktops and note
books. Its layout is very similar to a typewriter. It is used for a wide range
of tasks. It is used for typing in data from paper documents such as
application forms which people have filled in. It is also used for entering
different types of data.
A mouse is
a pointing input device that works upon GUI (Graphic user interface) platform.
Whenever you move mouse an arrow pointer also moves according to the direction
you are moving. This pointer is used to perform different tasks associated with
the mouse.
This device
is used on laptop computers. Instead of moving a mouse, you move your finger
across the pad. The pointer moves across the screen in the direction you move
your finger. If you tap the touch pad this has the same effect as clicking the
mouse. There are also buttons on a mouse.
A joystick
is used mainly in computer games. You control the movement of an object on the
screen by moving the joystick. It has a tracker ball. The tracker ball device
does not move, unlike a mouse, just the ball does. The joystick device does not
move, just the stick does.
cameras are used to take photographs. Digital camera look like ordinary cameras
but they do not use a film. Instead, each camera contains memory just like the
CPU of a computer. The digital camera stores each picture it takes in its
memory. These pictures are called digital pictures because they are made up of
very tiny little colored dots. There are millions of these dots on a typical
photograph. The photographs can be loaded in to a computer and printed out. In
the computer, photographic images can be edited before printing.
A scanner
is used to make a copy of what is on paper and store it in the computer. It does
not matter what is on the paper, whether it is a picture, text even bar codes.
An example is the use of a scanner to
photographs into desk top publishing software as part a different magazine.
When you scan an image the software usually allows you to choose between
different resolutions. Low revolution uses fewer dots in the image and
therefore less memory.
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